Pybook 0.1
“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.
Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”
— Henry Ford

Milton Berle
Sitting and waiting for an opportunity to be served on a silver plate would bring you no good. The only thing that you would derive out of it would be a huge waste of your time and abilities. Rather stop whining over the absence of that much-awaited chance and take matters into your hand. Remember luck doesn’t make us rather we make our own luck.
Sir Frederick Grant Banting
Martin Luther King Jr.
Metaphorical indeed. All the noble people out there working for the betterment of others with great benevolence in their hearts never seek the limelight. You would find them in the darkest of places extending their helping hand to those in hand and bringing in whatever light and happiness they are capable of. That would be a life of charity and selflessness.
Benjamin Franklin
Pablo Picasso
Mark Twain